Time for Prayer – Ignatian Spirituality

How arduous can it’s to take 10, 15, 20 minutes a day for devoted prayer or reflection and contemplation? And but the dedication to any common prayer follow can typically really feel like yet another burden to “fit in” to our hectic schedules, a kind of “shoulds” that my religious director typically cautions me in opposition to. I typically really feel like I simply have an excessive amount of to do at the moment and that my thoughts is simply too preoccupied to actually middle. Prayer will come simpler once I’m much less rushed. I’ve a lot vital stuff to get finished at the moment, I purpose.

St. Ignatius warned retreatants that there can be instances prayer felt dry and unproductive. His prescription: double our efforts at these instances. When I really feel like I can’t do 10 minutes of prayer, I have to do 20. I have to get again to the conclusion that it is just in these instances of oneness with God once I could make sense of the preoccupations of my day.

Our prayer time is once we put ourselves on the disposal of God. Ignatius calls for a “great spirit and generosity toward their Creator and Lord,” once we method our prayer time, “offering all their desires and freedom to him so that his Divine Majesty can make use of their persons and all they possess.” (Spiritual Exercises Annotation #5) It is in providing that brief 10, 15, 20 minutes a day that we actually supply the entire of our lives to the desire of God.

Previous articleLonging for Home

Lisa Kelly is a spouse, mom, and Ignatian Associate residing in Omaha, Nebraska. She works to assist organizations combine spirituality into their planning and programs. She and her husband, Tom, accomplished the nineteenth Annotation in 2005, simply previous to spending two years residing within the Dominican Republic with their three younger kids, supporting the work of the Jesuit Institute for Latin American Concern. Additionally they’ve lived in El Salvador and Bolivia for prolonged intervals.

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