Yoga Asana Meaning And Importance Part 2 / Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss In English !amazing!

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Yoga Asana Meaning And Importance Part 3

We all know the value and benefits of the first six Ashtanga Namaskar Poses. With the six remaining asanas, we will end the Ashtanga Namaskar Yoga Asana Series.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


Benefits: This asana helps to maintain a healthy back. Your spine becomes stronger and more agile. Asana creates healthy circulation in your back. It helps to tone your spine and body. It improves digestion. It massages your kidneys and tones the liver. It improves the male and female reproductive systems. Problems with irregular menstrual cycles can be fixed. Your face will glow with the increased blood circulation.

8. Parvatasana

Exhale – Om Mariechibhyoh Naha

Benefits: This is the same as the Parvatasana asana that you do in the No.5 spot. It strengthens your shoulders and arms, much like a mountain. The elongation and lengthening of the spine can tone your back. This asana is great for those with a bulging stomach and a growing waistline. It can also be used to improve any problem in the abdomen.

9. Ashwa-sanchalan – asana

Inhale -Om Adityaaya Namaha

This is the same as the Ashwa-sanchalan asana that you do in the No.4 spot, i.e Ashwa. This pose can be used to massage your internal organs and improve their functionality. This pose strengthens your leg muscles, creating balance. Your mind will also benefit from regular exercise, as it allows you to stay calm and stable. Regular exercise can help to eliminate problems with the throat.

weight loss in English -yoga asanas for weight loss and flat stomach -daily yoga asanas So you want to find out more about yoga asana meaning and importance, I did too and here is the video I made. yoga asana’s meaning and importance interested me so I did some research and created this YT video. —————————

If you would like to discover more regarding yoga asanas for weight loss in English I recommend you to take a look at our various other videos:

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