What exactly is Numerology? Get Your Free Numerology Report 2021

What exactly is Numerology?

We are bombarded with numbers every day. We have phone numbers, birthdates, and even financial information is based on numbers. The study of numbers in our life and how they affect us is known as numerology. A numerology student converts the letters in a word, such as a full name or a birth date, to a single number. That score informs them a lot about the person’s personality, strengths, and shortcomings, and it can even foretell their future. Numerology is frequently related to astrology since astrologists assigned the numerals 0 through 9 to each celestial body in the solar system, with each number having its own set of values.

Numerology has been practiced for many thousands of years.

It was utilized by the Egyptians and Babylonians approximately 10,000 years ago. Pythagoras, a mathematician whose theories are being used today, is credited with establishing formal numerology in Greece over 2,500 years ago. He believed that mathematical conceptions were easier to manage and categorize than physical ones. Early Christian mysticism, the Chinese Circle of the Dead, the Kabbalah, and the Indian Vedas were also influential in the creation of numerology. L. Dow Balliet produced the first book on numerology at the beginning of the twentieth century, ushering in what is regarded as the contemporary phase of numerology, and interest in it developed over the next few decades. Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in numerology, and many people are learning about how numbers can affect them.

Royal Numerology
What exactly is Numerology?

Although methods differ, a numerologist often simplifies a word or number using a technique known as digit summing. When dealing with a number, such as a birth date, the numerologist adds up all the numbers. If the sum has two or more digits, those numbers are added until only one digit remains. Each letter of the alphabet is allocated a number when dealing with a word, such as a name. For instance, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3. The numbers are then totaled until just one digit remains, as described before. Some numerologists refuse to split numbers that add up to 11, 22, or 33. These are known as master numbers, and they are said to have stronger vibrations than the numbers they would produce if digitally added together.

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Each number is defined briefly below:

One is seen as having enormous power because it is the initial number. A “man” can be happy, loving, and dynamic while simultaneously being lonely and narcissistic.

Two – Associated with “feminine” energy, two frequently indicate relationships and communicating with people. It can also represent the polar opposites of something, such as black and white or good and evil. This number is best represented by the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang.

Three – Three is frequently associated with learning via life events. It is frequently seen as lucky and mystical. It can signify both wisdom and understanding, as well as foolishness and negativity.

Four – The first composite number (the first number formed by multiplying numbers other than one and itself), four is connected with the four cardinal points (North, South, East, and West), the four Gospels of the Bible, and time (four seasons, roughly four weeks in each month). Because it is a homonym for the Chinese word for “death,” some hospitals do not have a fourth level.

Five – Five is associated with the five senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing, and sight) and frequently signifies service to others as well as openness to new experiences, but it can also represent an addictive nature.

Six – The number six is associated with beauty and is frequently used in relationship building. It is said to have charm, sensuality, and diplomacy. Six is also regarded as the mother/father number.

Seven – A spiritual number, seven maybe both dreamy and spiritual, as well as deceiving and false.

Eight – The number eight denotes hard labor and life lessons. As a result, the number eight is connected with both financial and material prosperity, but it is also related to the difficulties encountered when pursuing both.

Nine – A sacred number, nine is regarded as a humanitarian number and has mystical significance due to humans’ nine-month gestation period.

Numerology has been practiced for thousands of years.

As with astrology, some regard numerology as an arcane science with little relevance, while others regard it as a viable technique to help them understand themselves and the world around them.

The study of numbers in our lives and how they affect us is known as numerology.

It can also represent the polar opposites of something,

such as black and white or good and evil.

This number is best represented by the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang. Three – Three is frequently associated with learning via life events. It is frequently seen as lucky and mystical.

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