Urgent Money Miracle

What if you could manifest urgent financial help?

Like receiving an unexpected check…

…or a cash gift.

And just by reciting a few simple phrases…

Would you want it?

It’s That Easy! Just Two Steps To Manifesting Financial Blessings Now

Step 1: Download the A State of Bliss audio on your phone or computer. Then, press play and close your eyes. 
Step 2: After listening to the A State of Bliss Audio, open your digital copy of Urgent Money Miracle and recite any Money Prayer. 
That’s right:
❌There’s no books to read
❌No expensive courses to study
❌No awkward seminars to attend
Just listen to the audio, say a prayer, and receive urgent financial blessings – starting right now!

“I Said My First Prayer And I Got My Stimulus Check In The Mail”

It’s True: Urgent Money Miracle is already working for 33,437 Dear Ones.
Just like you, they were Chosen to land on the “winning side” of this massive transfer of wealth:

“He’s Mailing A Check Tomorrow”

“I Got A Job That Pays $10,000 a month”

“I finally got paid”

“Received A Miracle Just A Few Hours After Saying This Prayer”

“I Got The Amount Credited Into My Account”

Enter The Post-Corona World With More Money Than Ever Before

Whether you embrace your fate or not, you were Chosen to see this message.
The Universe doesn’t make mistakes.
The Law of Karma has brought you here…
And now it’s finally time to accept that the Universe has decided you are destined to:

  • Attract more financial blessings during this pandemic than in the last 1-3 years!
  • Manifest more riches than 98% of everyone you know
  • ​End money worries during these uncertain times
  • ​Become the “lucky friend” who is effortlessly steered towards tremendous financial gifts
  • ​Not just survive but THRIVE during the oncoming deep global depression
  • ​Never rely on the government for help again! 
  • ​Come out on the right side of this massive transfer of wealth 
  • ​PLUS – be in the fortunate position to financially help the people you love with ease!

Don’t Go Another Day Without Saying One of These Morning Prayers

Soon, it will be YOUR manifesting success story you’re sharing with a stranger on a park bench. YOU will have received an abundance of financial gifts. And YOU will be in the fortunate position to pay the prosperity forward… Normally, the Urgent Money Miracle prayer book would cost upwards of $1000 at rare book shops…
…but for a limited time, I’ll let you have instant access to these life-changing prayers for FREE when you get… A State of Bliss Audio – if you don’t listen to this audio BEFORE you say a Morning Prayer, you could be manifesting by default and unwanted experiences will show up in your life. 
That’s why, I’m giving away the Money Miracle prayer book for FREE when you get the A State of Bliss audio now! 

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