Ultra Manifestation

what if I told you that physical reality itself is the neural manifestation of your consciousness?

Using the human mind alone, humanity has achieved feats that would be considered voodoo magic just 100 years ago.

From the initial creation of the wheel, to the wagon, to the car and now bullet trains that travel at the speed of sound carrying hundreds of passengers thousands of miles using the electromagnetic technology …

That is why you need to understand and remember this:


It’s absolutely critical that you do not let your subconscious sabotage your destiny.

Every time you have “bad luck”, every time you have some type of failure or set back in your life, every time you’re struggling for money, it is most likely not your fault…

It is your subconscious manifesting these things into reality without you knowing it.

That is why it’s so important that you have this system, Ultra Manifestation, to help make your life a living dream, instead of a living nightmare.

If someone would of told me a few years ago I would be a millionaire today, giving talks all around the world, I would of laughed at them.

But it was because I didn’t believe them. I couldn’t of believed them even if I wanted to, because my subconscious wouldn’t let me… but that all changed once I started listening to that CD John gave me. It literally changed my life.

There is a reason why this information is being kept from you by the government, big pharma and the mainstream media.

This information is sacred and more powerful than anything you have ever encountered before.

How would you like to completely change the circumstances you are in right now?

Maybe your unsatisfied with your financial situation…

Or your unhappy with your relationships…

Or perhaps you suffer from health ailments…

Or maybe you just lack direction, and clarity about your path in life…

Regardless of what’s keeping you down…

Can you spare 60 seconds to start the Ultra Manifestation process of re-organizing your Internal Roadmap, so it aligns itself with the natural laws of the universe?

The reason why Ultra Manifestation works because it solves the problem at the root cause.

The isochoric tones, theta, alpha, beta and delta waves will enter your mind and dissolve the limiting beliefs that were previously holding you back. And in its place, it will create a brand new empowering Internal Roadmap.

The best thing is, there is nothing new to “learn”.

This process literally is as easy as putting on headphones and listening to this before you go to bed at night, or any other time throughout the day.

Excited with my new-found knowledge, I went back to the local park and shared my discovery with other homeless people that were nice to me during my time out in the cold…

Most of them have been homeless for decades, and many were in their 40s, 50s and 60s. Almost ALL of them had some sort of health problem…

So I created a Homeless Life Changing group, where I played my brand new Ultra Manifestation audio to the people who were interested before they slept…

And within two months, the results were astounding. You could see the results of their Internal Roadmaps being aligned with the universe. More than 90% of the participants of both genders were able to turn their lives around…

All of them were able to get part time or even full time work, and started their process of re-integrating with society. Not to mention their health conditions had drastically improved.

Although the results were impressive, I wanted to make sure that this would work for anyone.

So I made a public group on Facebook and invited 500 beta testers to try it out for just 30 days just to see what would happen.

I want to share Ultra Manifestation with you, because right now your Internal Roadmap is not taking where you want to go…

And just like a ship with no captain, your life is drifting around taking you around resulting in outcomes that are making you unsatisfied…

Unless you course correct, the mistakes that you accrue now only become more compounded with every year that passes by…

That’s one scary fact that comes with life…as the years go by, the mistakes of the past will always catch up to you and pile on at an ever-increasing rate…

I can guarantee right now, if you’re watching this presentation then you are not living life to its full potential.

Maybe you are not satisfied with your financial situation…

Maybe you suffer from ill health…

Maybe you have a feeling of general unhappiness…

Ultra Manifestation will optimize your consciousness in alignment with the laws of the universe. So that your Internal Roadmap will be permanently altered to manifest realities that you desire…

There is nothing to “learn” all you need to do is listen to it right over your computer, cell phone, or any other sound device, and within 60 seconds you can start the first step to designing your destiny.

I absolutely guarantee that Ultra Manifestation will work for you, regardless of what you want in life…

It doesn’t matter if you want to make more money…

It doesn’t matter if you want to be more fit and healthier…

It doesn’t matter if you want better relationships…

Ultra Manifestation alters your thought waves and brain consciousness to a level that will grant all this to you and more.

Right now you’re here because you do not have a solid Internal Roadmap and your brain is manifesting and emitting frequencies that are attracting things in your life that negatively impact you.

But this changes now.

It changes TODAY.

And the best thing is, all it takes is 60 seconds to start the mental re-wiring process.

Ultra Manifestation is nothing like what is currently out there.

It directly transforms your thought process at the fundamental level…

Changing your thought process so that the very thoughts inside of your subconscious mind manifests the reality that you desire…

No matter what kind of abundance you seek…

Whether it be health, wealth, relationship or anything else…

You will automatically manifest these into your reality.

So let me ask you a serious question…

What kind of value would you place on a simple 60 second process that will begin the process of giving you everything you ever wanted and desired for?

I know thousands of people that would gladly pay a fortune for that privilege…

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