The Gift of Gratitude – Ignatian Spirituality

Keeping a gratitude journal during which we write down the actual items of every day trains our brains to see the nice round us. It additionally feels nice.

And we will’t hold this to ourselves. Studies discover that we overestimate how awkward will probably be to precise our gratitude to others and underestimate how nice it is going to make them really feel.

Watch my video reflection under.

Previous articleGetting Out of the “If I Ruled the World” Mindset Rev. Michael Rossmann, SJ, is a Jesuit priest and doctoral scholar on the Gregorian University in Rome. He beforehand served because the editor-in-chief of The Jesuit Post, the place he began the favored video collection “One-Minute Homily.” He continues to supply brief-however-substantive movies for social media. He is a local of Iowa City and a graduate of the University of Notre Dame. His first e book is The Freedom of Missing Out.

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