Study Shows More Potassium Is Linked To Better Heart Health

Our day by day wants for potassium are literally fairly excessive (2,600 to three,400 milligrams day by day). “Women’s daily potassium needs are 2,600 milligrams, but that increases to 2,900 and 2,800 mg during pregnancy and lactation, respectively. Furthermore, men need to take in 3,400 milligrams of this macromineral each day,” shares Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, mbg’s vice chairman of scientific affairs.

Thankfully, so lots of the meals you probably already embrace in your day by day eating regimen are good sources of potassium.

For instance, half of an avocado incorporates 487 milligrams of potassium. Plus bananas, candy potatoes, and even sure beans and lentils can all depend towards your potassium wants, as properly.

“Although bananas are potassium famous (and keep eating them!), several other plant-based foods top bananas for their top-notch potassium content. This includes foods like baked potatoes with the skin intact, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, yogurt, and cooked beet greens, lima beans, and acorn squash,” provides Ferira.

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