Must-Read: 3 Ways To Restore Collagen In 2023 For Youthful Skin

PSA: Beauty sleep is an actual factor. Sleep deprivation (which incorporates continuously getting lower than seven hours) induces oxidative stress within the physique. Additionally, dropping sleep will increase cortisol, your stress hormone, which breaks down collagen. Research has even discovered a direct (*3*)hyperlink between shut-eye and collagen production3.

Not to say, that spike in cortisol would possibly even set off breakouts. See, this spike manifests into extra sebum manufacturing and, thus, extra breakouts. Even when you do not sometimes have acne-prone pores and skin, an absence of sleep can contribute to what dermatologists consult with as “occasional acne4.”

All that to say: Use this time to prioritize high-quality shut-eye! (If you need some help, check out our favorite natural sleep aids.)

In addition to getting a good snooze, you might want to mind your caffeine intake. Studies show that consuming a dose of caffeine (specifically 400 mg5 in this study) up to six hours before bedtime has “necessary disruptive results” in your sleep. In addition to having bother falling asleep, the research demonstrates a hyperlink between that caffeine buzz and interrupted sleep as nicely.

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