How To Find Out Who You Were In A Past Life, According To Experts

Once you have got some new information on who you had been in a previous life, you’ll be able to start to replicate on the way it may very well be impacting you now on this lifetime. As Gaia explains, there’s doubtless a selected lesson or classes which might be asking to be realized by you and your experiences.

“So we look at what it is you need to break and use that information to your advantage rather than using it to fuel your ego,” she explains, including whether or not you had been a princess or a peasant in a previous life, it comes right down to how you utilize this data to meet your goal.

“Looking at the reoccurring patterns and knowing your soul’s blueprint are really important for the foundation of figuring out who you are and why you are the way that you are in this lifetime,” she provides.

Or as Barham places it, understanding previous lives “really broadens people’s perspective on what we’re doing on the planet, why we’re here, and the connections we haveā€”so it’s just a great way to explore: What is this existence all about?”

Whether you are experiencing repeated patterns in your relationships, your well being, or your profession, Gaia notes, when you perceive what’s been carried over from different lifetimes, you’ll be able to “make adjustments in your life and be more conscious about what’s repeating.”

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