Catching Our Attention – Ignatian Spirituality

Editor’s word: Jim Manney is the writer of A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer and different books about Ignatian spirituality. Below is an excerpt he shares from his latest guide, What Matters Most and Why: Living the Spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

Whether we understand it or not, at each second of our existence we’re encountering God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who’s making an attempt to catch our consideration, making an attempt to attract us right into a reciprocal acutely aware relationship.

—William A. Barry, SJ

You are on trip, using on a freeway in Colorado, and you’re shocked by the fantastic thing about the mountains. You sit on the Thanksgiving dinner desk with your loved ones, and you’re feeling an ideal surge of gratitude for—all the pieces. You’re weary, bone-drained, and discouraged after a grueling assembly a couple of work challenge that’s in hassle, and you’re feeling an assurance that all the pieces shall be OK. You take into consideration a neighbor, a lady who’s ready for the outcomes of a most cancers screening, and you’re feeling an urge to attach along with her.

You have emotions like these on a regular basis. Some you bear in mind; some you don’t. Some name for a response; some don’t. Recognize them for what they’re—ways in which God is making an attempt to catch your consideration.

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